2009-2014 Stainless steel


2009-2014 Stainless Steel Era 

스테인레스 스티일 시기

Image of Soldier <2009-1>,
 Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,

Image of Soldier <2009-2>, 
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, 
Private Collection, 개인소장 Korea

Image of New York  <2009-3>,
 Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,
 56x120x6cm ,

Image of New York<2009-4>,


Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel,



Image of Castle <2009-6>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel, 



Private collection 개인소장 (USA)

Image of Tropical Fish <2009-7>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,

 Image of Female lip, <2009-8>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, 
Private Collection, 개인소장 J W Park, Korea

Eye of Soldier, <2009-9>, 
Pigment on Stainless Steel & Plastic, 
Collection: Gallery Jung, Korea

 Image of Paradise, <2009-10>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Steel & Plastic,

 Material Paradise <2009-11>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel, & Steel,

 Material Paradise, <2009-12>,

 Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel & Steel, 



Private Collection 개인소장 (Belgium)

 Material Paradise <2009-13>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel & Steel




Sparrow eats birdseed <2009-14>, 


Polyurethane pigment on Steel

Private Collection 개인소장 K J Bae (Korea)

Walking soldiers <2009-15>
,Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,
Private Collection, 개인소장 Swiss

Running Soldiers <2009-16>,
 Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,
Private Collection,  개인소장 H S Lee Korea

Iron Age, Bird Cage <2009-17>, 


 Pigment on Steel

Private collection 개인소장 (USA)

Image of Castle <2009-18>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, 



Private collection 개인소장 (Swiss)

Image of Soldier <2009-19>,
 Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, 
Private Collection, 개인소장 Korea

Image of New York <2009-20>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, 





Image of New York <2009-21>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, 

51x78x3cm , 


Private Collection: 개인소장 WH Koh (Korea)

Image of New York <2009-22>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,

Image of Castle <2009-23>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, 



Private Collection, 개인소장 (Korea)

Image of Trinity <2009-24>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel, 



Private Collection 개인소장 (USA)

Image of Root <2009-25>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,

Image of Cat’s Eye <2009-26>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,
231x79x23cm ,

Image of Castle <2009-27>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel,

Image of China <2009-28>, 

Pigment on Stainless Steel & Plastic, 




 Material Paradise <2009-29>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel, Steel & Plastic,

 Material Paradise <2009-30>,
 Pigment on Stainless Steel & Steel,
개인소장 (Korea)

Material Paradise <2009-31>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel & Steel ,

Old Castle <2009-32>,
Pigment on Steel,
Collection:  Ottchae Art (Korea)

Wounded Soldiers <2009-33>, 
Polyurethane Pigment on Steel,
Private Collection, Swiss

Flying Soldiers <2009-34>,
Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel,
190x146x21cm ,

Running Soldiers <2010-1>, 
Stainless steel, 
Private Collection,  Jinwoo Building

Tree of Life, <2010-2>, 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel & Steel, 

140x97x17cm ,


Where is your Home 2010-3

Steel, 121x83x12cm, 2010

Private Collection M J Lee, Korea

Where is your Home 2010-3 (left view)

Empire of Iron <2010-4, 


Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless steel, Steel & Plastic, 


Hongik University Museum

Material Paradise, <2010-5>, 

Stainless Steel & Steel , 

34x85x7cm , 



Material Paradise <2010-6>, 


stainless steel & steel, 



Material Paradise, <2010-7> 

Stainless Steel & Steel , 




Material Paradise, <2010-8>, 

 Stainless Steel & Steel, 



개인소장 Private Collection, Korea

Material Paradise, <2010-9>, 

 Stainless Steel & Steel, 



Material Paradise, <2010-10> 

Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel & Steel, 



Material Paradise, <2010-11>

 Polyurethane Pigment on Stainless Steel & Steel,



private collection

Floating Island <2010-12, 

Steel, Polyurethane Pigment, 




Floating Island <2010-13>, 

Steel, Polyurethane Pigment, 




Icarus <2011-1>, 178x115x20(cm), Stainless Steel, 2011

 Icarus <2011-2>, 225x110x20(cm), Stainless Steel, 2011
collection 개인소장 KJ Bae , Korea


 Icarus <2011-3>, 225x180x360(cm), Stainless Steel, 2011  
Private Collection, 개인소장 Belgium

 Park, Icarus 2011-3 <right view>

Untitled <2011-4>

Approximate 60x130x18cm,

Stainless steel



Untitled 2011-4 (right view)

Girl with Hat<2011-5>, Approximate 50x90x12cm, Stainless steel, 2011

Private collection 개인소장 M S Kim(Korea)

Untitled <2011-6>

Approximate 72x157x20cm




Untitled 2011-6 (Left view)

Floating island <2012-18> Detail

City Line <2012-1>
Approximate 60x99x29cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

City Line <2012-2>
Approximate 72x103x18cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

City Line <2012-2> right view

City Line <2012-3>
Approximate 83x105x34cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

City Line <2012-3> right view

City Line <2012-4>
Approximate 45x110x10cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

City Line <2012-5>
Approximate 60x100x9cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

City Line <2012-5> right view

Female lip <2012-6>
Approximate 176x45x10cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012
Private collection 개인소장 J W Park (Korea)

Female lip <2012-7>
Approximate 80x100x10cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012
Private Collection 개인소장 (Dubai) 

City of Gold <2012-8>
Approximate 90x40x8cm
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012
개인소장 (한국)

Mysterious Tree <2012-9>
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

Mysterious Tree <2012-10>
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

Mysterious Tree <2012-11>
Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

Floating Island <2012-12>, 73x73x5cm, Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012
Private collection 개인소장 H H Park(Korea)

Floating Island <2012-13>, 73x73x13cm, Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012

Floating Island <2012-13> Detail

Magic Bridge <2012-14>, 73x73x10cm, Stainless steel, 2012

Magic Bridge <2012-15>, 73x73x5cm, Stainless steel, 2012

 Magic Bridge <2012-16>, 73x73x5cm, Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment (Blue), 2012

Magic Bridge <2012-16> (Right View),

The Sword of Justice <2012-17>, 420x86x121cm, Stainless Steal Welding, 2012
Collection 개인소장 ARDIS Belgium

The Sword of Justice, (Detail)

The Sword of Justice (detail)

princess <2012-18>, 75x55x19cm, stainless steel, 2012
artist collection 작가소장

princess <2012-18> Detail

Heavenly Father <2012-19>, 75x54x15cm, stainless steel, 2012
artist collection, 작가소장

Heavenly Father <2012-19> right view

Heavenly Father <2012-19> detail

Germination <2012-20>, 34x94x17cm, stainless steel, 2012-20
Artist collection 작가소장

The Beginning (Korean Myth : Bear Woman)<2012-21>, 203x203x78cm, Stainless steal welding, 2011~2012

The Beginning (Korean Myth : Bear Woman), 203x203x78cm, Stainless steal welding, 2011~2012

The Beginning (Korean Myth : Bear Woman), 203x203x78cm, Stainless steal welding, 2011~2012

The Beginning (Korean Myth : Bear Woman), 203x203x78cm, Stainless steal welding, 2011~2012

Havenly father<2004-22>, 25x66x77cm, stainless steel, 2012

Havenly father<2004-22>

Floating Island <2012-23>, 120x73x5cm, Stainless steel, Polyurethane pigment, 2012


Single line Circus 1<2013-1>, 87x125x14cm , stainless steel, 2013

Single line Circus 2<2013-2>, 76x123x15cm, stainless steel, 2013

 Oriental Phoenix <2013-3>, 450x450,450cm, Stainless steel, 2013
구례 예술인 마을 소장

Pray to the sky<2013-4>,  72x75x230cm, Polyurethane pigment on Welded Steel, 2012-2013,

 Pray to the sky (Detail), 2012-2013, 72x75x230cm, Polyurethane pigment on Welded Steel

 Mysterious Castle <2013-5>, 146x68x17cm, Polyurethane pigment Stainless steel
private collection 개인소장 (Belgium)

 Female Lip <2013-6>, Polyurethane pigment(Red) on Stainless Steel, 140X63X30cm

 Female Lip <2013-7>
Polyurethane pigment(Yellow & Blue) on Stainless Steel,

Park’s recent works: <The way of Life> series.


The recent art pieces, such as <Way of life-triptych 2013> and <Life circulation 2013> and <Pray to the sky 2012-2013> are commonly composed of numerous small particles of sectioning cube steels. The expressed meanings of them are related in the rooms or days in our daily living situations. Such expressive methods are to suggest the individual labor of creation and mastership of completion in the series arts. To reveal time passing and each days importance or big-sized building in our megalopolis city living in contemporary life, the art pieces are created in the extended line of our civilization and far beyond time-passing past memories of the artist's. 

In case of <The way of life-triptych, 2013>, the three sections show as follows: after to be tempted Adam(a man) follows Eve( a woman); loves each other and get married; and hold up his wife on his back. In the expression, the art works shows one of living situation of all humans. 

There arise several questions: why all human-beings are codified to be married? Why all men have to love certain women? and others. In the work Way of life-triptych 2013, you may see there are the circulating images of birth, child, youth, marriage, composing family, success and to be old. 

The meaning of this is our Human's life routine. Despite the difference of each individual life, most of the living condition is as same as thus expression. In the work <Pray to the Sky 2012-2013>, after dedicate her heart, an Indian woman prays toward in the late afternoon. There arise certain questions: then, why she dedicates her heart and what is the subject to pray? We may think that the story is related in the Aztec Indian mythology to dedicate a living heart toward the sun to extend one day. The final creation (the fifth sun) occurred when the gods met and decided one among them had to sacrifice himself to become the new sun. One poor, humble god did this and became the sun. However, the sun hung in the sky and didn’t move. In order for the sun to move, it was necessary for all of the gods to sacrifice themselves. 

Sacrificial rituals among the Aztecs and in Mesoamerica in general must be seen in the context of religious cosmology: sacrifice and death was necessary for the continued existence of the world. 

In the work, just the meaning is coordinated with contemporary human-being’s way of living as the mother who dedicates her whole things for their family.

<The Way of Life> series suggests certain dialogues how we will see our given living. Well, the life is not always plain: sometime it may be beautiful and clear but sometime it comes us as a divine test. However, as is never easy, we can see it what is positive or negative; interesting or sad as well.

We could be just a temporary actors/actresses. In accordance with our translation of it, we are able to act differently in the stage. The given roles can be main actor/actress’s business but that of extra’s. However, in accordance with our view points, we can go various directions: to decorate it precious or valueless.

Park’s recent works suggest thus various situations: in case of <Single Line Circus, 2013> and <Obstacle Race, 2013>, they show our ways when we meet in our daily living difficulties; In case of <Bread and grape trees, 2013>, it is rewrite of an Aesop’s allegory <The Ants and the Grasshopper>, which is described as the growth of grape trees as the change season and the out line of the art works is described as the outer shape of regular bread. the art questions how we work to get breads the importance of hard working in the summer season (given working time).

Life Circulation <2013-8>, 212x85x10cm, steel welding, Polyurethane pigment, 2013 

 Life Circulation  <2013-9> (Detail)

The Ant and The Grasshopper <2013-9>, 185x84x12cm, Stainless Steel & steel balls, 2013,


Way of life-triptych 2013-10, 157x63x7cm, steel & stainless steel, 2013
Private Collection (Amsterdam)

 Obstacle Race, <2013-11>, 160x98x8cm, Polyurethane pigment on Stainless Steel, 2013 

Obstacle Race, 2013-11, Detail

Material paradise 2013-12, 25x120x6cm, stainless steel, 2013

Material paradise 2013-13, 25x120x11cm, stainless steel, 2013

Material paradise 2013-14, 25x120x6cm, stainless steel, 2013

Work Note: A moment of usual living


Through this exhibition(Momo Art museum), recent 10 years my art works are introduced. About 4 years from 2009 to 2012, studying stainless steel based methods, I create abstract style installation and big size human sculptures. Since 2013, having usual motives for ordinary peoples’ home interior decoration, I creates more smaller scale art works with delicacy. In the midst of this unfolding procedures, I regret to use the serious sad subjects but to catch up the daily living situation in the midst of human beings life: especially after 2017, I creates most of the art works based on various interesting situations in our life. I like to make my arts with using mild poses of our usual life: sports, dancing, date, dialogue, love, encourage and others are expressed naturally. In the subjects, the three genres are distinguished: small size bronze sculpture, wire using ‘space drawing’ and the combined with steel and bronze sculpture ‘united art work.’


These 3 different expressing methods are not only simple but also out of optical burden coming from our ordinary peoples’ humanistic living situations. Generally, I think my method of humanism is not selfish but emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition. Furthermore, it refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of human freedom and progress and also views humans as solely responsible for the promotion and development of individuals and emphasizes a concern for man in relation to the world. In my arts, based on the philosophical and ethical stance Humanism, escape from the optical burden of heavy and strong expression but to choose the taste of civilian out of the subject of ideal or noble life. Exposing the ordinary peoples’ normal smile, un-dynamic movement, pure and soft stories, I can approach the methods of humanism.


For example, in the <Freedom> series, the pose of a woman who is unfolding two arms and up rising head to the sky is expressed in the most of the art works. In the series of <Ahead to the sun>, most of the motives are from the last moment of golfer but is different where he (or she) is stand. I think the difficult golfing situation (upon the small space of the high hill of woman’s leg or upon the cliff) is more beautiful than it of normal plain land. Related in the series, <Windy day> and <With a soft step> series, showing the situation of enduring storming, the winning situation is described. To do it, I want to emphasize the beautiful situation of overcoming the adversity of life. In the <Living people sculpture> series, ‘The dancing of great peace’ is describing the poses of two famous people’s and the ‘singer’ is showing the shouting moment of a woman. Further, the breast bronze sculpture is showing a man those are little different from regular statue in the description of humor and delicacy. In the <sport sculpture>, the images of winter and summer olympic game is expressed especially from the moment of dramatic situations. And in the series of <Family>, the image of mine and my neighborhood families’ are adapted to create the shadow and space based sculptures.


Through these art works, I want to conceal the message for the contemporary people to overcome the adversity and to live more profoundly; and for myself to give the hope of abundant future in the midst of competing artist life.


October 2018

Based on my recent 10 years work notes

작업노트일상적 삶의 한 순간


이번 전시(Momo Art museum)는 최근 10년간 제작한 나의 작품들 중 일부를 소개하고 있다참고로 2009년부터 약 4년 동안은 스테인리스 스티일을 소재로 하여 추상적인 설치형식의 작품을 제작하거나인체의 모습을 커다란 조각으로 제작하였다. 2013년부터 점차적으로 욕심을 줄여작은 규모의 섬세한 작품들을 제작하면서 서민 가정의 인테리어 속에 스며들 수 있는 모티브들을 채택하기 시작한다이러한 전개과정에서철학적이며 심각한 주제들을 포기하고인간의 삶 가운데에서 쉽게 발견 가능한 여러 가지의 모습들을 포착하여 작업의 주된 모티브로 사용하고 있는데특히 2017년 이후 현재까지 인간의 일상생활에서 드러난 재미있고 다양한 삶의 모습들을 연구하여 포착하고 있다그것은 일상생활의 자연스런 모습들 즉스포츠연애대화사랑 격려 등 소소한 내용들이다이렇게 제작한 작품들은 크게 3가지로의 구분이 가능한데그것은 작은 브론즈 조각’, 철사를 활용한 공간 드로잉’, 그리고 철제와 브론즈 조각을 합성한 복합작품’ 등이다.


가급적이면 간결하게 기교를 줄이는 방식을 선호하여 시각적인 부담을 줄이고어려운 가운데에서도 굳은 의지로 살아가는 서민들의 휴머니즘적인 모티브들을 담는다는 것이 나의 목표가 되었다일반적으로내가 생각하는 휴머니즘은 이타적이며개인 혹은 집단적인 삶 속에 내재되어 있는 철학적인 생각(이성주의와 경험론)을 높게 평가하고미신적인 사상과 속박으로부터 자유스러운 생각을 의미한다나아가그것은 인간애와 자유 그리고 진보를 강조하는 방식이지만개인주의적이거나세속주의적인 것과는 조금 다른 자유스러운 발상과 표현에 중점을 둔다아울러 인간이 순수하게 자신의 진보적이며 발전적인 행동에 대하여 책임을 지는 것으로인간의 존엄성을 세상에 부각시키는 것이다나의 작업에서 이러한 철학적이며 윤리적인 휴머니즘적인 발상을 근거로 할 때보통의 삶과 거리가 먼 이상적인 주제에서 벗어나 자립을 우선으로 하는 소박한 삶에 그 가치를 두는 방향즉 서민취향을 선호하고과도한 묘사나 부담이 큰 조형언어를 지워나가는 방법을 선택한다그것은 서민들의 사소한 웃음비격정적인 움직임순수하고 다정한 삶의 속 이야기들을 드러냄으로써순박하고 다정한 인간성을 바탕으로 한 작업원리를 이루어가는 것이다.


예를 들면, <자유시리즈의 경우는 인생의 약자로 수세기를 살며 견뎌온 여성들이 담담하게 자신의 세계를 펼쳐 나아가라는 의미로서 양팔을 벌린 자세로 하늘을 우러러 바라보는 이미지들을 사용한다. <태양의 향하여시리즈의 경우는 골퍼가 하늘을 향해 샷을 날리는 포즈를 주로 드러내지만실재로는 골퍼가 서있는 곳의 상황에 따라서 달라진다입지가 작은 여성의 하이힐의 뒤축에서 골프를 치고 있다든가요철이 심한 주상절리와도 같은 절벽 위에서 골프를 치는 경우 등이 있는데그것은 험준한 상황에서도 최선을 다하는 것이 아름답다고 생각하기 때문이다이와 유사하게, <바람 부는 날>과 <사뿐사뿐시리즈의 경우는 강한 비바람에도 견디는 모습을 보여줌으로써인생의 풍파를 이기는 모습을 담아낸다이렇게 함으로써 인생의 역경을 극복하는 참다운 희열을 보여주고자 한다. <실존 인물 조각>들 가운데에서 태평무의 경우는 무희의 춤사위를, ‘가수의 경우는 익명의 여인이 열창하는 모습을 담고 있다아울러 브론즈 흉상도 정교한 묘사와 유머를 사용하여 엄숙한 일상적인 흉상과는 다른 취향의 작품을 제작한다. <스포츠 조각>의 경우동계올림픽이나 하계 올림픽에서 그리고 격투기 등에서 포착한 일상의 모습을 담는 작품들로서 드라마틱한 순간적인 찰나를 포착하여 이미지를 생성한다. <가족시리즈의 경우는 나의 가족이나 이웃들을 모티브로 사용하여 그림자로 혹은 공간을 활용한 다양한 매체 조각으로 표현한다.


이러한 작품들을 통해서 나는 현시대의 사람들에게는 비록 어려운 난관이 있으나 좀 더 자신 있게 자신의 삶을 영위해 나아가기를 바라고나 스스로에게는 치열한 예술가로서의 삶을 풍요롭게 장식해 나아가기를 희망하는 메시지를 포함시키고 싶다.

2018년 10


최근 10년간의 작업노트를 근거로 하여




Catch me if you can! <2014-1>, Pigment on stainless steel, 60 x 52 x 3cm, 2014
Artist Collection 작가소장 

Catch me if you can! <2014-2>, Pigment on stainless steel, 60 x 52 x 3cm, 2014
private collection 개인소장 (Korea)

City of Gold <2014-3>


Polyurethane pigment on stainless steel


Private collection, 개인소장 Y J Bae Korea

Starry Starry Night <2014-4>


Polyurethane pigment on stainless steel


Private collection,개인소장  Y J Bae Korea

Mysterious castle <2014-5>


Polyurethane pigment on stainless steel



Come on! <2014-6>


stainless steel


Private collection 개인소장 , Paris

Hug me! <2014-7>


stainless steel


Private collection 개인소장, USA

City of Gold <2014-8>


Polyurethane pigment on stainless steel



 Starry Starry Night <2014-9>, polyurethane pigment on stainless steel, 160 x 89 x 5cm, 2014
Collection 개인소장, S W Doh (Korea)

Starry Starry Night <2014-10>, Pigment on stainless steel, 160 x 89 x 5cm

space painting <2014-11>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
40x40x5cm, 2014

space painting <2014-12>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
40x40x5cm, 2014

space painting <2014-13>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
40x40x5cm, 2014

space painting <2014-14>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
40x40x5cm, 2014

space painting <2014-15>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
40x40x5cm, 2014

space painting <2014-16>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
20x40x5cm, 2014

space painting <2014-17>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
102x25x7cm, 2014,개인소장 H S Sohn (Korea)

space painting <2014-18>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
40x40x5cm, 2014, private collection 개인소장(Korea)

space painting <2014-19>
mixed media on stainless steel frame
40x40x5cm, 2014, private collection 개인소장 (Korea)

Vincent Van Gogh<2014-20>, 49x27x78cm, stainless steel, 2014

Dance with Wolf <2014-21>
Stainless steel
Collection: 개인소장 Sound Place Co. LTD (Korea)

Thinking Adam (Stainless Steel Welding ,340x110x95cm, 2013-2014) &
Tempting Eve (Stainless Steel Welding, 314x51x102cm, 2014), <2014-22>
Collection: 개인소장 Ottchae Art, Namhae Korea
 Thinking Adam (Stainless Steel Welding ,340x110x95cm, 2013-2014) & 
Tempting Eve (Stainless Steel Welding, 314x51x102cm, 2014), 
Collection: Ottchae Art, Namhae Korea
 Thinking Adam (Stainless Steel Welding ,340x110x95cm, 2013-2014) & 
Tempting Eve (Stainless Steel Welding, 314x51x102cm, 2014), 
Collection: Ottchae Art, Namhae Korea

Ki-Woong Park, Thinking Adam (Stainless Steel Welding ,340x110x95cm, 2013-2014) & 
Tempting Eve (Stainless Steel Welding, 314x51x102cm, 2014), 
Collection: Ottchae Art, Namhae Korea

Ki-Woong Park, Thinking Adam (Stainless Steel Welding ,340x110x95cm, 2013-2014) & 
Tempting Eve (Stainless Steel Welding, 314x51x102cm, 2014), 
Collection: Ottchae Art, Namhae Korea

Ki-Woong Park, Thinking Adam (Stainless Steel Welding ,340x110x95cm, 2013-2014) & 
Tempting Eve (Stainless Steel Welding, 314x51x102cm, 2014), 
Collection: Ottchae Art, Namhae Korea

Ki-Woong Park, Thinking Adam (Stainless Steel Welding ,340x110x95cm, 2013-2014) & 
Tempting Eve (Stainless Steel Welding, 314x51x102cm, 2014), 
Collection: Ottchae Art, Namhae Korea

아담과 이브에 대한 주제는 언제나 새롭다왜냐하면우리가 언제든지 아담이고 이브이기 때문이다이러한 상징적 의미를 가지고고뇌하는 아담과 유혹하는 이브로 재해석하여현대인의 선택이 어려움에 대한 고뇌를 담고자 한다아담은 현대 남성의 삶에서의 선택의 어려움을이브는 여러 가지의 피해가기 어려운 유혹을 대변하는 상징성을 지닌다아담은 2mm 두께의 스테인레스 스티일 강판을 프라즈마로 절삭하여 용접하는 기법을 사용하였고이브는 직경 10mm에서 50mm까지의 둥근 와셔와 십자형 무늬가 새겨진 타공망을 부분적으로 사용하여 용접하는 방식을 사용하였다.

Fine Tree girl<2014-23>, 110x150x55cm, stainless steel, 2014
Collection: PS Yang (Korea)

Fine Tree girl (detail)

Starry Starry Night <2014-24>


Polyurethane pigment on stainless steel


Private collection,개인소장  S Y Park Korea

The Sower<2014-25>, approximate 200x300x170cm, stainless steel, 2013-2014

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