2021 Majung Exhibition(Eunha Gallery, Seoul)
-Spring Picnic Exhibition(Pyungchang Intirol Gallery)
2020-2021 International Art Exchange Association Small Art Exhibition (Cheon Grigo Cafe Gallery)
- International Art Exchange Association Annual Exhibition (InsaArt Center)
- Arising Korean Contemporary Arts (Gallery SCAI))
- International Art Exchange Association Invite Exhibition(IncheonVian Gallery)
2019 Korea-India Contemporary Exchange Exhibition(India, Changwon National Art Museum)
- Autumn Smile(Ecorock Gallery Art Festival: Koyang Star field)
- Meet Bauhaus Again(ShemaArt Museum)
- Pentagon (Ecorock Gallery Art Festival: Koyang Star field)
- Arising Arising Korean Contemporary Arts (SejongArt & Cultural Center Kwang gallery)
- Hongmiyeon Art Exhibition(Korea Art Museum)
2018 Arising Korean Contemporary Arts (SejongArt & Cultural Center Kwang gallery)
2018 Pyungchang Winte rOlympic game Memorial Art Exhibition (Metro Art Museum)
2017 Arising Korean Contemporary Arts (SejongArt & Cultural Center Kwang gallery)
2016 Small sculpture Exhibition (SCAI gallery)
- 3 Artists Exhibition (Arisoo Gallery)
2015 Venice Art Bienalle (Palazo Mora, European Cultural Center)
2012 Korea India Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition (AW Convention Center)
- Open Village memorial Exhibition (Kurye Artist Village)
- Muri Exhibition(Seoul)
2011 Sungsan Art Community Exhibition (Seoul)
2011 Posco Art Museum Invite Exhibition-Water and Wind
-World Peace Art Contest Invite Artists’ Exhibition
2010-Hongik University Fine Art Dept professor Exhibition(Hongik Art Museum)
-Vision. 2010-Korea Contemporary Art’s Direction(Insa Art Center)
-World Peace Art Contest Invite Artists’ Exhibition
- KyungHyang News paper Good Art works Exhibition(Kyunghyang gallery)
2009 -2009 Hongik Art & Design Festival (Hongik Museum of Art)
-Park & Arthure 2 men Show (Galerie du Passage/ Gallery Ho)
-Hongik University Alumni Exhibition (Jiri mountain special exhibition Hall)
-Kyunghyang newspaper special preview 2009 (kyunghyang gallery, Seoul)
-World Peace Art Exhibition 2009 (Art Spece Yul, Sungnam)
-2009 New year calender Exhibition (gallery Ho)
2008- Origin 2008, Painting, its essence and wave exhibition (Incheon Art Museum)
-Hongik University Alumni Exhibition (Jirimountain special exhibition Hall)
-A song of Fire (Kyungnam province Art Museum)
-2007-2008 Exhibition Divided (Bayreuth, Ausstellungshalle, Forchheim, Rathaushallen, Germany)
2007 Jasinmanman exhibition (Jungle book Gallery)
-Origin 2007, Picnic Searching for Feeling(Chungmu Art Museum, Seoul)
- New York-Seoul Circular Exhibition (Hun Gallery-New York, Gallery Ho-Seoul)
- Von Forchheim to New York (Gallery Artodrome, Germany)
-Kyunghyang Newspaper, Special preview (Kyunghyang Gallery, Seoul. Korea)
-4thContemporary Painting Direction Exhibition(Suwon Art Museum,Suwon,Korea)
-408 artist special Circular Exhibition-Korea, Japan, China (Busan Art Museum-Korea, Kitakyushu City Museum, China People Cultural Palace)
2006 - Vision : Worship and Share Exhibition (Light Gallery, Seoul)
-The Contemporary Art of Full Autumn (Gallery Ho, Seoul)
- The Eye of Typhoon (Gallery Ho, Seoul)
-Korean Painting Small Pieces Art Festival (Korean Cultural Art Center)
-San Francisco Contemporary Korean Art (Gallery Kang, Berkley, USA)
-Who’s Who (Apgujung Department Store Exhibition Hall, Seoul)
-Real Place of Contemporary Art (Gallery Ho, Seoul)
-Gallery Ho Auction (Gallery Ho, Seoul)
-Art Interchange, The interchange Exhibition of Korean and Australia Art Colleges (Museum of Contemporary Art, Hongik Univ., Seoul)
-Contemporary art direction (SuwonArtCenter)
- Puzzle project (Tokyo,Japan)
2005 -George Mason University, Invitational Exhibition of Prominent Korean Artists (USA, Arlington Campus Art Gallery)
-Nature and I: Japan and Korea exchange Exhibition (Gallery Ho, Seoul)
-Japan Korea Contemporary Art 100artist Exhibition (Gallery Artist Space, Japan)
-Contemporary Small Art Exhibition (Gallery Ho, Seoul, Korea)
-ContemporaryArt-Spring(Gallery Ho, Seoul Korea)
-Haman Art and Cultural Center Open Exhibition (Haman Art and Cultural Center)
-Contemporary Direction (SuwonArtMuseum)
-New Year Celebrating (Insa Art Plaza Gallery)
-Winter Site-specific (Gapyung island, Kangwondo,Korea)
2004 Origin Art Community Exhibition (Danwon 3 hall, Suwon Korea)
-Korea-Japan PhD. Exchange Exhibition (Hongik Univ. ContemporaryArtHall,SeoulKorea)
-Contemporary Art Direction (Suwon Total Art and Cultural Center)
-Blue-X Invite Exhibition (Gallery Jung)
-C. A. T, s Exhibition (Jongro Gallery)
2003 Korea-Japan Art Exchange (Sejong Art & Culture Center)
- Blue-X invite Exhibition (Noam Gallery)
- Full spirit of Painting (Jongro Gallery)
- Beautiful Imagination -Origin Exhibition (Gallery Lamer)
- 2003 New plaza-New Year Exhibition (Insa Art Plaza Gallery)
- 8 person Curator & 8 person Artist Exhibition (Gallery Gaia)
- 2003 year Start 100 artist (Insa Art plaza Gallery)
- Winter site-specific (North Han river Desungri)
2002 JunjuUniv.Prof.Exhibition(JunjuUniv.Gallery)
- Korea Art Festival (Insa art Plaza Gallery)
- Lee dong Jun Hwa Exhibition (Jongro Gallery)
- Today Together 43rd Origin Art Community Exhibition (Sejong Art Museum)
- Expression and Text (YoungeunArtMuseum)
- Winter Site-specific Exhibition (North Han river Desungri)
2001 JunjuUniv.Prof.Exhibition(JunjuUniv.Gallery
- Kangnung Univ. Prof. Exhibition (Kangnung Univ. Gallery)
- Hwasangdaehwa exhibition (Jongro Gallery)
2000 For them and for You Exhibition (Myungdong Gallery)
- Korean Art Association Membership Exhibition(Korean Art & Cultural Center)
- ASROPA Internationale Kunstausstellung (Lurdy Gallery In Hungary Budapest)
- Contemporary Art Stream and prospect (Lotte Gallery, Seoul Korea)
- Junju Univ. Prof. Exhibition(Junju Univ. Gallery,Korea)
- Myungdong Gallery open Exhibition (Myungdong Gallery, Korea)
- Blue-X Exhibition (Gallery Artside,Korea)
- Ho ho sil sil Exhibition (Jongro Gallery)
- New Millennium Korean Art Exhibition in Austria (Galerie "SALA TERRENA", Austria)
- Boy and Girl family leader help fund Exhibition(Hanso Gallery)
- HongikUniv.2000Architect(Hongik Art Museum)
- 42nd Origin Art community Exhibition (Seoul City Art Museum, Korea)
1999 Ah! KoreaExhibition(SangGallery)
- 41st Origin Art community Exhibition (Seoul City Art Museum, Korea)
- Blue X Exhibition (Eve Gallery, Seoul, Korea)
- Korea-JapanArtFestival(Songpa Art Museum,Korea)
1998 Cosmism Big-bang 5 artist (Woongjun Gallery,Korea)
- 40th Origin Art community Exhibition (Korean Art & Cultural Center, Seoul, Korea)
- Blue- X exhibition (EveGallery)
- Today's Artists (Contemporary Korean Art & Cultural Center, Seoul, Korea)
- Korean Art Contest(National Art Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwachun, Korea)
1997 Report 1997 Exhibition (Munhwa daily Newspaper Gallery)
- Le37éme Salon Grand et jeunes d'aujourd'hui (Espace Eiffel Branley, Paris)
- Circumstance and Art Exhibition(Kongpyung Art center, Seoul, Korea)
- Korean Art Contest(National Art Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwachun, Korea)
1996 Le36éme Salon Grand et jeunes d'aujourd'hui (Espace Eiffel Branley, Paris)
- 5th Artex Tokyo → Paris '96 International (Gallery Eleyette Peyre, Paris)
- Circumstance and Art Exhibition(Lotte Gallery)
- Dong-A Art Festival(National Art Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwachun, Korea)
1995 The exhibition of contemporary trend in Korean Art (Noho Gallery, New York)
- Korean Contemporary Art Russian Invite Exhibition (Moscow Artist House)
- Le49éme Salon de Mai (Espace Eiffel Branley, Paris)
- Korean Art Contest (National Art Museum of Contemporary Art)
- '95 MBC Art Festival (Korean Art and Cultural Center, Seoul Art Museum, Korea)
- Art World art Festival (Kyungin Art Museum)
1994 15th Fine Art International Art Contest (tokyo) (Catorea Salon, Japan)
- 8294 exhibition (Sonamu Gallery, Seoul, Korea)
1993 8283 exhibition (Maeul gallery, Seoul, Korea)
1990 Seoul Contemporary Art Festival (Korean Art and Cultural Center, Seoul, Korea)
1989 Cube 3 Exhibition (Kwanhoon Gallery, SeoulKorea)
1987 Contemporary Art plaza (Doal gallery, Seoul,Korea)
- C-517 Exhibition (Soo Gallery, Seoul,Korea)
- Cube 2 Exhibition (TotalArtMuseum,Jangheung,Korea)
1986 "Matter" New generation (KwanhoonArtMuseum,Seoul,Korea)
- Cube 1 Exhibition (KwanhoonArtMuseum,Seoul,Korea)
1985 Independent exhibition (KoreanArtMuseum,Seoul,Korea)
1984 1st Seoul International Drawing Biennale (Korean Art Museum, Seoul, Korea)
1983 Korean Art 83 Grand Festival (Korean Design and Package Center, Seoul, Korea)
1982 1st Seoul Art Festival (Korean Design and Package Center, Seoul, Korea)
1981 All Army Art Contest (Moyer Recreation Center, Yongsan, Korea)
<Wall Painting>
2012 <patriot> Kurye Army (3x120m)
1995 <Indulged in Study> YounseiUniv.Plaza (9×120m)
(Seoul, Korea)
1994 <Immediate Motivation> Seogyo Rotery (2×35m)
(Seoul, Korea)
1995 Microscopic World (Body Investigation) Ehwa Univ. Street (Shinchon Culture Festival, Seoul Korea)
1987 Harry Holt (Harry Holt Memorial Center, Ilsan, Korea)
2009-2010 Sword of Justice (Belgium)
2011 Icarus (Belgium)
2011-2012 The beginning
2013-2014 Adam & Eve (Ottchae Art, Namhae)
2012 Artist Village Memorial Statue(Kurye Artist Village)
2017-2018 Jae Kyung Lee Statue(Junju Jeil Highshool Alumni Center)
<Ph. D Dissertation>
1999 The destructive method of late 20th century painting: Centered on Frank Stella and Anselm Kiefer (Hongik Univ. Graduate School)
2012 Korean Art and Avant garde Dilemma (Nottingham Trent University)
2005 A Study of destructive the styles from Contemporary Painting ―Focused on distinguishing enmity-destruction and self-destruction (Korean Society for Science of Art & Design)
2004 A Study of using physical body in Contemporary Painting (Korean Society for Science of Art & Design)
2002-The Issue of Teaching Information by Digital Media in Contemporary Design (Journal of Korean Society of Design Science Vol.15 No.3)
-A Study of Scribbling expression in Late 20th century Painting-centered on the changedness to the multi-codificative expression (Journal of science of Art & Design Vol 4, 2002)
2001 A study of Gerhard Richter's trans-modern Style -centered on recent abstract painting (Kangnung National University Department of Fine Art)
- The problem of multi-dimension communication and 21st century Media Art (Korean Society for Science of Art & Design Vol 3)
- 21st century high Art and suggestion for new Art Education-centered on Communication Art (The Journal of Korea Elementary Education 2001, Vol. 13 No.1)
2000 About Western Art and Today's Art Education <Text of High School teacher>
- A Study of the direction to the 21st Century Art Education(The Journal of Korea Elementary Education 2001, Vol. 12 No.1)
- A prospect of 21st Century Art: The Art of Light and Space-centered on Eric Orr and Bruce Nauman>(Korean Art Critic Review 2000 Winter)
- A Study of Contemporary Artistic Space and Circumstance-centered on Christo, Joseph Kosuth, Robert Irwin- (Circumstance Development Association Hongik. ⅩⅩⅩⅡ)
- A Study of Destruction in Contemporary painting-centered on Vandalic and Iconoclastic Mode (Journal of science of Art & Design Vol 2, 2000)
2001 A prospect of 21st Century Art-Centered on Communication Art (Korean Society for Science of Art & Design)
2015 Imsil Cheese sculpture contest (Gold prize)
1995-1998 3 Times HONORABLE MENTION Selected Korean Art Contest (National Art Museum of Contemporary Art)
1996 HONORABLE MENTION Dong-A Art Festival (National Art Museum of Contemporary Art)
1995,- Selected Award '95 MBC Art Festival
(Korean Art and Cultural Center)
- Special Prize - Art World art Festival (Kyungin Art Museum)
1994 Grand Prize- 15th Fine Art International Art Contest (Tokyo, Japan)
1984 HONORABLE MENTION -1st Seoul International Drawing Biennale (Korean Art Museum, Seoul, Korea)
1983 Special Prize -Korean Art 83 Grand Festival (Korean Design and Package Center))
1982 1st Seoul Art Festival (Korean Design and Package Center, Seoul Korea)
1981 Grand Prize & First Frize - 8th All Army Art Contest (Moyer Recreation Center, Seoul Korea)
<Book Publications>
2005 The Theories and Methods in 21st Century Painting (Hyungsul Publication Co. Ltd)
2003 Contemporary Art Theory 1- The Beginning of Modernism and stabilization (Hyungsul Publication Co. Ltd)
- Contemporary Art Theory 2- The Climax of Modernism (Hyungsul Publication Co. Ltd)
- Contemporary Art Theory 3- The Destruction of Modernism and After (Hyungsul Publication Co. Ltd)
Korean Art Association, Origin Art Association, Korean Society for Science of Art & Design, Korean Society of Design Science,
<Judge/ Manager/Organizer>
NAAF, China Beijing 798Contemporary Art, Kyunghyang Art Contest, Circumstance Art Contest, Kwan-Ak Contemporary Art Contest, Korean Donation Art Contest
Songjung Art Foundation(Seoul), Sound Place Co. LTD(Seoul), UN Korea Representative Building(Geneva, Swiss), Hongik University Contemporary Art Museum, Seoul National University, Artodrome Gallery(Berlin, Germany), Hun Gallery (New York), Jung Gallery(Seoul), Munhwa Daily News Paper Gallery(Seoul), Myungdong Gallery(Seoul), Doal Art Gallery(Seoul), Insa Gallery(Seoul), Hanju Gallery(Seoul), Noam Gallery(Seoul) , Gasan Gallery(Seoul), Kurye Artist Village(Kurye), Jiwoo Building (Seoul)
<Teaching>Professor of Hongik Univ. graduate school of Fine Art Department
<Present> President of Spring of Creation Art Institute
<E Mail> <kifer@hanmail.net>
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