2006- 2024 Religious Stories

2006-2024 Religious Stories

The Plan of Salvation <2024-R2>
stainless steel

The Plan of Salvation <2024-R2> (Detail)
<Elohim> upper part Center

The Plan of Salvation <2024-R2> (Detail)
<Spirit Jesus> upper part Left

The Plan of Salvation <2024-R2> (Detail)
< Jesus Christ & St. Maria> Bottom part 




Additional Utterance

Upper part


The council of the heaven

Elohim, Jesus Christ, Lucifer

Middle part


Crucification of Jesus, passage(via) of the Dolorosa

Bottom part


Resurrected Jesus, who is showing his eternal body to the people.

Lift Up <2024-R1>
stainless steel

Lift Up <2024-R1> (detail)
<Moses> upper part

Lift Up <2024-R1> (detail)
<Young lady> Center 

Lift Up <2024-R1> (detail)
<Golden plate> Bottom left 

*Upper Room: Aaron and Hur(changed by a lady) hold up Moses’ arms (Exodus 17:11-13) And it came to pass, when Moses held up thy hand, that Israel prevail, when he let down his hand, Amelekprevailed But Moses hands were heavy; and they took a stones and put it under him and sat thereon and Aaron and Hur stayed up and his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side: his hand were steady until the going down of the sun. And The Joshua discomfited Amelekand his people with edge of the sword.

*Center: A young lady take care of sick person.

*Bottom left: A Prophet gives the golden plate to next prophet.

*Bottom Right: The story of the pool of Bethesda. John 5:5 Jesus saw him and knew that he had been now long time in that case Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk The art workis displayed for wall attaching.

Jacob's Dream <2023-401>

50x122x6 cm

Stainless steel


Private Collection


Jacob's Dream <2023-401>

50x122x6 cm

Stainless steel


야곱의 꿈: 하늘에서 사다리가 내려와, 천사들이 오르락 내리락 하며....

여호와와 대면함

10. And Jacob went out from Beer-sheba, and went to the Haran

11. And he lightened upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

12. And he dreamed, hand behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and hehold the angels of God ascending on it.

13 And behold, the Load stood above it, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy farther, and the God of Issac; and the God of Issac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, to thy seed:---Genesis 28: 1013>

10. 야곱이 브엘세바에서 떠나 하란으로 향하여 가더니

11. 한 곳에 이르러는 해가 진지라 거기서 유숙하려고 그 곳의 한 돌을 가져다가 베개로 삼고 거기누워 자더니,

12. 꿈에 본즉 사닥다리가 땅 위에 서 있는데 꼭대기가 하늘에 닿았고 또 본즉 하나님의 사자들이 그 위에서 오르락내리락하고

13. 또 본즉 여호와께서 그 위에 서서 이르시되 나는 여호와이니 너희 조부 아브라함의 하나님이요 이삭의 하나님이라 내가 누워 있는 땅을 내가 너와 네 자손에게 주리니

14. 네 자손이 땅의 티끌 같이 되어 내가 서쪽과 동쪽과 북쪽과 남쪽으로 퍼져 나아갈지며 땅의 모든 족속이 너와 네 자손을 말미암아 복을 받으리라

15. 내가 너와 함께 있어 네가 어디에 가든지 너를 지키며 너를 이끌어 이 땅으로 돌아오게 할지라 내가 네게 허락한 것을 다 이루기까지 너를 떠나지 아니하리라 하신지라,

16. 야곱이 잠에서 깨어...,<창세기 28: 1016>

Last Supper <2023-402>
stainless steel

Last Supper <2023-402> detail

Last Supper <2023-402> detail

최후의 만찬의 근거가 된 성서.

마태복음 26:15,(유월절에 이루어진 성찬 참조, 요한복음12:6, 13:29 제자들과 함께 식사를 할 수 있는 마지막 순간이었다. 그들이 이러한 장소로 선택한 곳은 어디인가? 성안 아무(such a man)에게 가서 이르되 선생님 말씀이 내 제자들과 함께 유월절을 네 집에서 지키겠다 하시더라 하라. (마태26:18)

마가복음14:15 그리하면 자리를 펴고 준비한 큰 다락방(large upper room furnished and prepared)을 보이리니 거기서 우리를 위하여 준비하라 하시니,

누가복음 22:12 그가 마련한 큰 다락방을(a large upper room furnished: There make ready) 보이리니 거기서 준비하라

Bread & Wine <2023-405>
stainless steel

Descent from the Cross <2023-403>


stainless steel


 <장면연출: 아리마대 조셉이 그리스도의 시신을 양도받아 장례를 준비함>(요한복음19:38)

좌측부터 메리 클레오파스, 작은 야고보, 메리 살로메/요셉 마리아/ 그리스도의 시신/니고데모/사다리에 있는 젊은이(니고데모 혹은 아리마대 조샙의 하인/ 수염난 사람 조셉의 또다른 하인(추정)/마리아 막달레나

Joseph of Arimathea took Christ's body and prepared it for burial. John (19:3842) adds one assistant, Nicodemus. 

 (from left to right): Mary Cleophas  half-sister to the Virgin Mary); John the Evangelist, Mary Salome (another half-sister of the Virgin Mary), The Virgin Mary (swooning), the corpse of Jesus Christ, Nicodemus (in red), a young man on the ladder either a servant of Nicodemus or of Joseph of Arimathea, Joseph of Arimathea , the bearded man behind Joseph holding a jar and probably another servant and Mary Magdalene who adopts a dramatic pose on the right of the painting.

Resurrection <2023-404>,
stainless steel

"And it came to pass...they cast their eyes towards heaven; and behold, they saw a Man descending out of heaven... And it came to pass that he stretched forth his hand and spake unto the people, saying: Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. And behold, I am the light and life of the world..." (3 Nephi 11:8-11) 34 AD

Jonah <2006-8>

The men feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord, and made vows. Now the Lord prepared great fish to swallow up Johah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. (Johah 1:16-17)

Three glories 3가지의 영광

Celestial glory 해의 영광

Telestial glory 달의 영광

Terrestrial glory 별의 영광

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the strar; for one star differeth from another star in glory (1 Corinthians 15: 41)

 Celestial Glory, <2007-11>, 120X103X11cm, Steel & high-strength Plastic, 2007

 Celestial Glory <2007-12>, 195X87X11cm, Steel & high-strength Plastic, 2007

Celestial Glory <2007-13>, 138X65X8cm, Steel & high-strength Plastic, 2007
(Private Collection 개인소장 (Korea)

 Telestial Glory <2007-14>, Steel, 97x76x11cm, 2007

 Celestial Glory <2007-15>, 145X110X31cm, Steel & high-strength Plastic, 2007

Celestial Glory <2007-16>, 265X90X21cm, 2007

Celestial Glory <2007-17>,  92x89x15cm, Steel & high-strength Plastic, 2007


Celestial Glory <2007-17>, Steel & high-strength Plastic, 102x100x10 cm, 2007.

 Celestial Glory <2007-17> Detail

 Celestial Glory <2007-17> Detail

 Celestial Glory <2007-18> 147X72X13cm, steel, 2007
(Private Collection, 개인소장 Korea)

 Celestial Glory <2007-19>, 132X74X9cm, polyurethane pigment on steel, 2007(2021촬영)

Terrestrial Glory <2007-20>, 260x95x12cm, steel, 2007

 Celestial Glory <2007-21>,108X54X5cm, steel & high-strength plastic, 2007

 Celestial Glory <2007-22> 146X73X8cm, steel, 2007
                                       private collection 개인소장 (Korea) 

 Celestial Glory <2007-23>, Steel, 105x42x8cm, 2007
Private Collection 개인소장 (USA)

 Celestial Glory <2007-24>,127X50X6cm, steel, 2007

Where temple is 성소가 있는 곳


Where Temple is <2007-25>, steel, size unknown, 2007

Where Temple is <2007-26>, steel, size unknown, 2007

Where Temple is <2007-27>, steel, size unknown, 2007

Where Temple is <2007-28>, steel, size unknown, 2007

Where Temple is <2007-29>, steel, size unknown, 2007

Where Temple is <2007-30>, steel, size unknown, 2007


Where Temple is <2007-31>, steel, size unknown, 2007


Where Temple is <2007-32>, steel , size unknown, 2007


Where Temple is <2007-34>, steel, size unknown, 2007


Where Temple is <2007-35>, steel, size unknown, 2007


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